import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class FourPicsPartial { static ArrayList dictionary = new ArrayList (); //holds all the words in the dictionary text file static char[] letters = new char[12]; //Array of 12 characters to compare against the words in the dictionary ArrayList (user provided) static int numLetters=0; //How many letters are in the word we are looking for (user provided) public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { dictionary = buildDictionary(); //builds an ArrayList of English words using a dictionary text file getSizeAndLetters(); //Asks user for number of letters and the possible letters to use checkLength(); //removes words of the wrong length from the dictionary ArrayList checkLetters(); //removes words that contain letters not in 12 provided by user outputWords(); //output the words that remain in the dictionary ArrayList - these are potential solutions } public static ArrayList buildDictionary() { ArrayList wordList = new ArrayList(); File f = new File("dictionary.txt"); Scanner input = null; try //try...catch is used when the possibility of an error could result and we want to catch it without causing a runtime error { input = new Scanner(f); //Scanner is build based on input from the text, not the console } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } while (input.hasNext()) { String word = input.nextLine(); //one word appears on each line in the text file wordList.add(word); //add each word into the wordList ArrayList } input.close(); System.out.println(wordList.size() + " words loaded."); //outputs the size of the ArrayList built return wordList; } public static void getSizeAndLetters() { Scanner s= new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter number of letters in word:"); numLetters = s.nextInt(); //numLetters specifies the number of letters in the word we are searching for System.out.println("Enter available letters as a block of 12 letters: (ex: psbnoiyzvlvw)"); String block =; letters=block.toCharArray(); //build an array of characters from the word provided by user } public static void checkLength() { System.out.println("After eliminated words of different length, " + dictionary.size() + " remain."); } public static void checkLetters() //checks to make sure all letters in the word are included in the block of 12 letters { System.out.println("After checking the letters provided to those left, " + dictionary.size() + " remain."); } public static boolean containsChar(String st, char[] c) { return true; } public static void outputWords() { } }