public class CandidateRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { Candidate a = new Candidate(1, "Teacher", 93.2); Candidate b = new Candidate(2, "Custodian", 56.1); Candidate c = new Candidate(3, "Teacher", 89.1); Candidate d = new Candidate(4, "Custodian", 83.1); Candidate e = new Candidate(5, "Teacher", 62.3); Candidate f = new Candidate (6, "Teacher", 98.6); Candidate g = new Candidate(7, "Custodian", 80.5); Candidate h = new Candidate(8, "Principal", 76.2); Candidate i = new Candidate(9, "Teacher", 52.3); CandidatePool applicants = new CandidatePool(); applicants.addCandidate(a); applicants.addCandidate(c); applicants.addCandidate(e); applicants.addCandidate(f); applicants.addCandidate(i); applicants.addCandidate(b); applicants.addCandidate(d); applicants.addCandidate(g); applicants.addCandidate(h); ArrayList teacherApplicants = applicants.getCandidatesForPosition("Teacher"); System.out.println("There are " + teacherApplicants.size() + " teachers in the Candidate pool."); Candidate bestTeacher = applicants.getBestCandidate("Teacher"); System.out.println("The best teacher candidate is " + bestTeacher.idNumber); int num = applicants.removeCandidatesForPosition("Teacher"); System.out.println("You removed " + num + " candidates from the Candidatepool."); } }