public class BookRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { Book b = new Book(); Book b2 = new Book("JK Rowling", 11, 1965, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", "Fantasy", 309, 1997); Book b3 = new Book(new Author("Mark Twain",37, 1835), "Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Satire", 168, 1876); Book b4 = new Book(new Author(), "The Shining", "horror", 659, 1977); //output Book b //Output Book b2's title //Output the sum of pages in all three books. //Output the number of books published by the author of Book b3 //Output the number of characters in Book b's title //Who is older between Book b and Book b2? Use the Author whoIsOlder method //Compare b2 to b4 and output the book that comes back from the method. } }