public class ArraysClass { //Return the number of elements in the array. public int countElements(int [] n) { return n.length; } //Return the largest integer in the array public int findLargest(int [] n) { return 0; } //Return the number of odd integers in the array public int numOdd(int [] n) { return 0; } //Return the number of negative even numbers in the array public int countNegEven(int [] n) { return 0; } //Return the index of the first number greater than 90 or -1 if there is none public int indexGreater100 (int [] n) { return 0; } // Return true if all values from 1 to 10 appear somewhere in the array, otherwise return false. public boolean oneToTenPresent(int [] n) { return true; } //This boolean method will return true if there are no repeated values in the array, otherwise //false is returned. Have it output an appropriate message before it returns the value. public boolean noRepeats(int [] n) { return true; } //This receives the integer array and two additional integers. The method will swap the values //at the two indices provided, unless the indices are outside of the range of valid array indices, //in which case nothing is swapped. public int[] swap(int [] n, int a, int b) { return n; } //This method will receive an integer n. The method first build a int array filled with the first 50 numbers //in the Fibonacci sequence. It will then return the value stored at index n-1 in that array. If n is //greater than 50 or less than 1, a value of -1 should be returned. public int findNthFibonacciUsingArrays(int n) { return 0; } }